SLT 2018/11/02(SLT 08:00) ~ 2018/11/25(SLT 07:59) JST 2018/11/03(JST 00:00) ~ 2018/11/25(JST 23:59)

2022.04.07 Gothical-4th- SHOPPING GUIDE更新
2022.03.14 Gothical-4th- Blogger serch OPEN
2022.03.12 Gothical-4th- Store List 更新
2022.01.19 Gothical-4th- Desiner's APP OPEN.
2020.08.16 Gothical-3rd- Store List 更新
2020.07.09 Gothical-3rd- Desiner's APP OPEN.

Gothical 4th 2022
SLT 2022/04/08 08:00 JST 2022/04/09 0:00 start - 04/30 close
この秋、BAROQUED simのイベントは「Gothical」
We are proud to announce our new event, :::BAROQUED:::Gothical -2nd-!
The theme includes Gothic Lolita, Sweet Lolita, Prince&Princess-like Lolita, which means it focuses on “Classic Gothic Lolita Fashion.” The item can be a pretty dress decorated with plenty of laces and frills, and jewelries, accessories, hairs, furnitures, buildings and poses that match with the lolita style.